dc.contributorBerton, Tamissa Juliana Barreto
dc.contributorBerton, Tamissa Juliana Barreto
dc.contributorBrito, Debora Mizubuti
dc.contributorPires, Gisely Andressa
dc.creatorNascimento, Jaqueline Lovato do
dc.identifierNASCIMENTO, Jaqueline Lovato do. O vestuário fitness para mulheres com sobrepeso como motivador à prática de exercícios físicos. 2014. 144 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Apucarana, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThis research takes as base the following problematic: by taking aesthetics and comfort aspects "how fitness clothing can influence and motivate the permanence and performance of overweight women in physical exercise practice"? For this, the objective of this study was develop fitness clothing, aesthetically pleasing and with fashion tendencies that adapt to the biotype of the overweight women, with the same beauty of the pieces designed and made for people who wear “standard” sizes, aiming the motivation for the practice of physics activities. Furthermore, the objective is also research the overweight female audience; analyze the physical and psychological factors of the public in focus; attend to the ergonomic needs of the key public through modeling and raw materials, and contribute through fashion product for increased self-esteem, security and comfort of the public overweight. A literature search was performed covering the main parameters in this problem, as the physical and psychological aspects behind of the individual overweight and the practice of physical exercise, as well as the necessary requirements for quality fitness clothing.The study was qualitative, exploratory-descriptive. As a research technique was used the method of extensive direct observation, by means of a questionnaire administered to overweight women. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed, compared and presented in graphs and discursive text. The survey found a deficiency in the fashion segment fitness plus size. And a clothing with a pleasing aesthetic is of extreme importance for increasing self-esteem and motivation of these women. This work also has the intention to encourage the development of more studies and research for the overweight public in fitness fashion segment.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherTecnologia em Design de Moda
dc.subjectPeso corporal
dc.subjectRoupas esportivas femininas
dc.subjectExercícios físicos
dc.subjectBody weight
dc.subjectSport clothes for women
dc.titleO vestuário fitness para mulheres com sobrepeso como motivador à prática de exercícios físicos

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