dc.contributorCosta, Michelle Budke
dc.creatorZorzo, Viviane
dc.identifierZORZO, Viviane. Estudo das práticas de educação ambiental nas escolas municipais de Araras/SP. 2014. 33 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThis research project was developed in schools of Macaws - SP, in order to verify compliance with applicable local environmental education as well as to know the reality of these schools, the professional profile of teachers and their perceptions of EA, which are checking the major difficulties faced by these professionals in the implementation of environmental projects. Today environmental degradation is a major concern for governments and society, so it is necessary to undertake activities of an educational nature, aimed at sustainable development and thus ensuring its survival for future generations on Earth. The survey was conducted through the collection and analysis of perceptual data, in order to build panorama conducting environmental education in schools in the municipality. For data collection, was attended by 26 teachers, and these graduates in education, geography or biology, where it was found that the issue is mostly worked sporadically and projects rarely has continuity, moreover, among the greatest difficulties presented by teachers, lack of support from the school staff and the lack of materials are the most prevalent. Furthermore, it was found that the majority of teachers presents a conservative and common sense about EA. Therefore, the school is among the main keys to achieving sustainable development, making necessary investment in the continuing education of teachers , as well as offering support and structure necessary for the development of environmental projects, just so EA exceed the school walls and conquer the participation of the school community.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectEducação ambiental
dc.subjectPrática de ensino
dc.subjectEnvironmental education
dc.subjectStudent teaching
dc.titleEstudo das práticas de educação ambiental nas escolas municipais de Araras/SP

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