dc.contributorGuerra, Jorge Carlos Corrêa
dc.creatorNocêra, Paulo Marcelo
dc.identifierNOCÊRA, Paulo Marcelo. Implantação do setor odontológico, na estratégia saúde da família, no município de Telêmaco Borba (PR). 2012. 77 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThe Family Health Strategy (FHS) is the definitive breaking of old models of care and public health policies, abandoning the philosophy purely curative, including preventives measures, becoming its priority. Public politics in oral health follow this change, although not yet fully integrated when compared to medical activities, nursing and community health workers. This work tried to analyze the implementation and performance of oral health teams at FHS in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná, delimiting administrative and operational aspects of this achievement. This monograph defines at first the existing public health policies in Brazil during its development as an independent country, even to the creation of the FHS and, later, the inclusion of dental care. Further, it delimits the work exclusively to dental care in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná in Health Units registered with the Ministry of Health and whose rules are followed according to the FHS recommends, getting material and financial resources federal to aid in its maintenance because of that. At these locations were three questionnaires: one contained administrative aspects and two contained operational aspects of Oral Health Teams. It was noted as positives, the progress in universality of care, expanding services to the community and therefore the quantitative and qualitative expansion of procedures offered to users. As negative points, there was a lack of technical preparation of professionals for this new service strategy, demand excessively exaggerated and low valuation, incompatible with the workload and the number of treatments, as well as the fact that most teams count with professionals whose signings were unstable.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectFamília - Saúde e higiene
dc.subjectBoca - Cuidado e higiene
dc.subjectServiços de odontologia comunitária
dc.subjectPolítica pública - Saúde
dc.subjectFamily - Health and hygiene
dc.subjectMouth - Care and hygiene
dc.subjectCommunity dental services
dc.subjectPublic policy - Health
dc.titleImplantação do setor odontológico, na estratégia saúde da família, no município de Telêmaco Borba (PR)

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