dc.contributorCasagrande, Lindamir Salete
dc.contributorCasagrande, Lindamir Salete
dc.contributorLuz, Nanci Stancki da
dc.contributorSantos, Dayana Brunetto Carlin dos
dc.contributorOliveira, Megg Rayara Gomes de
dc.creatorPassos, Giseli Cristina dos
dc.identifierPASSOS, Giseli Cristina dos. Homens (trans): transmasculinidades na educação. 2019. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia e Sociedade) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
dc.description.abstractIn Brazil there is no deep survey of the transmasculine population, the recognition of the gender identities of these subjects, the social and political invisibility they face, as well as the multiple forms and expressions of violence that affect them daily. In this context, the objective of this research is to investigate how the insertion and permanence of men (trans) in teaching identify taboos, challenges, obstacles, confrontations, resistance and achievements that permeate their professional trajectories. For this purpose, 7 (seven) semi-structured interviews, both online and via WhatsApp, were carried out with men (trans) teachers from different cities of the country and later content analysis. It was sought to recognize the gender identities of these subjects and their performances in this context and record the multiple forms and expressions of violence that affect them daily as educators. It is observed that the challenges faced by the transsexual students are the same ones faced by the transsexual students, be they men or women, for example, use of the social name, correct treatment of gender, the use of the bathroom and the issue of exposure without the consent that many (trans) men spend in their work environments, which means that many, in the end, opt for the invisibility given to them by hormonal conditions, bodily alterations and rectification of documentation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia e Sociedade
dc.subjectPessoas transgênero - Identidade
dc.subjectIdentidade de gênero na educação
dc.subjectIdentidade de gênero
dc.subjectTeoria Queer
dc.subjectHomens - Psicologia
dc.subjectHomens transgênero
dc.subjectTransgender people - Identity
dc.subjectGender identity in education
dc.subjectGender identity
dc.subjectQueer theory
dc.subjectMen - Psychology
dc.subjectTransgender men
dc.titleHomens (trans): transmasculinidades na educação

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