dc.contributorSouza, Paula Cristina de
dc.contributorMoreira, Vera Lúcia Barradas
dc.contributorOliveira, Tiago Tadeu Amaral de
dc.contributorSouza, Paula Cristina de
dc.creatorRibeiro, Mateus de Oliveira
dc.identifierRIBEIRO, Mateus de Oliveira. Estudo de caso: análise dos trechos rodoviários entre Maringá - PR e Campo Mourão - PR, interpretando trechos com maior número de acidentes e possíveis intervenções. 2017. 40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2017.
dc.description.abstractBrazil is the country with the highest number of road traffic deaths by inhabitant in South America, been the state of Paraná, the 60 in the national ranking of road traffic deaths. However, been between the most populous in the world, Brazil is the country that most applies risk control laws. The road traffic accidents became a serius problem of public health in the country, as they result from an association between factors like failures on the road infrastructure and recklessness of the service users. The purpose of this study was to analyze two road stretches: road PR 317 Maringá – Peabiru and road BR 158 Peabiru – Campo Mourão, expounding statistic data, identifying the critical points and proposing possible interventions. This is a retrospective descriptive study fulfilled through the analysis of data collect totalizing 428 events, in 2012 – 2014. The data base for the research, analysis and development of this study were provided by the company VIAPAR – roads integrated of Paraná, whose has the consent to administer the roads studied in this study. The Statistic analysis was described using absolute frequency and data management using Excel software. It is possible to find that, on the roads analyzed, the most frequent accidents were: rear collision, runway output, rollover, collision with fixed object, respectively. The highest number of road accidents occurred on roads described like: straight track and good conditions of visibility and good weather. Therefore, it is possible conclude that the most of road accidents are occasioned not by tracks mistakes, or signaling failure, but, by the driver’s imprudence. Whereas the results found, similar in most of the characteristics, of the other studies developed in Paraná, it is necessary to reinforce the importance of prevention and awareness in traffic, as a viable solution proposal.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCampo Mourao
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.subjectRodovias - Levantamento
dc.subjectAcidentes de trânsito
dc.subjectRodovias - Projetos e construção
dc.subjectRoads - Surveying
dc.subjectTraffic accidents
dc.subjectRoads - Design and construction
dc.titleEstudo de caso: análise dos trechos rodoviários entre Maringá - PR e Campo Mourão - PR, interpretando trechos com maior número de acidentes e possíveis intervenções

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