dc.contributorFioruci, Wellington Ricardo
dc.contributorFioruci, Wellington Ricardo
dc.contributorLima, Marcos Hidemi de
dc.contributorRuffini, Mirian
dc.creatorFaedo, Camila Wessler
dc.creatorFurlan, Pricila Kátia
dc.identifierFAEDO, Camila Wessler; FURLAN, Pricila Kátia. O processo: a dimensão do sonho em uma leitura de Orson Welles. 2015. 50 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThis work aims to analyze the homonymous adaptation by Orson Welles, of the book “The trial” by Franz Kafka. Firstly, the work intends to show reflections about some theories that based our analysis of Kafka’s work, as well as studies about the mode of write and relevant aspects of Kafka’s poetic. After that, this work brings theories about adaptation, both generally and specifically in this work, dealing with film adaptations of literary works, inspired in important studies such as Linda Hutcheon and Robert Stam. The analysis of the Welles’s adaptation begins with the comparison and differentiation of written language for the filmic language to understand the transposition’s mode of literary work to cinematography mode, and therefore the stylistic’s resources used by Welles. Thus, this study is the analysis of the film as an atmosphere of dream, used by the director as a form of critique of society, perspective already explored by Kafka in his book.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Letras
dc.publisherLicenciatura em Letras
dc.subjectAdaptações para o cinema
dc.subjectCinema e literatura
dc.subjectCinema - Análise
dc.subjectLiteratura - Análise
dc.subjectFilm adaptations
dc.subjectMotion-pictures and literature
dc.subjectMotion pictures - Analysis
dc.subjectLiterature - Analysis
dc.titleO processo: a dimensão do sonho em uma leitura de Orson Welles

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