dc.contributorWagner Júnior, Américo
dc.contributorDotto, Marcelo
dc.contributorRadaelli, Juliana Cristina
dc.contributorWagner Júnior, Américo
dc.contributorDotto, Marcelo
dc.contributorRadaelli, Juliana Cristina
dc.creatorVieira, Victor Miguel
dc.identifierVIEIRA, Victor Miguel. Desenvolvimento de jabuticabeira híbrida de acordo com a intensidade luminosa. 2014. 27 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe jaboticaba trees is classified as of Myrtaceae family and Plinia genus. There are about nine species of jaboticaba in which include Plinia trunciflora (jabuticaba de cabinho) that have naturally occurring in the Paraná State Southwest region, Plinia cauliflora (jabuticaba paulista or jabuticaba Açu) and Plinia jaboticaba (Vell) (jabuticaba Sabará) that produce fruits both for industry and for fresh consumption. However, exist in the market which is called hybrid fruit producer with excellent market acceptance and smaller juvenile period compared with the others. The objective of this work was to verify the initial growth of seedlings and plants from hybrid jabuticaba according to the light intensity for future use in the management of this species in commercial planting and agroforestry. Two experiments were carried out, and the experiment 1 involved the study of the early development of hybrid jaboticaba according to the luminous intensity and the 2 was with seedlings of the same species in the same conditions. The work of experiment 1 was conducted in the area of collection of fruit plants native to the Experimental Station, Federal Technological University of Paraná-Campus two neighbors-Paraná. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with five treatments, 4 repetitions of 2 plants per experimental unit. The treatments were made according to the luminous intensity, being these, 1 treatment-full sun, representing condition of Orchard, with 0% of shading; treatment 2-side Coverage with shading and screen top with transparent plastic, representing clearing condition; Treatment 3lateral and superior Coverage with shading screen, representing stage where the canopy of the Woods is closing in, by focusing only indirect solar irradiance; Treatment 4-lateral and superior Coverage with shading screen, simulating condition of closed canopy; with 10% of DFF (90% of shading); Treatment 5-lateral and superior Coverage with shading screen, simulating a more open canopy condition, with 65% of DFF (35% of shading). Was mounted a supporting structure with wire mesh for support and fixation of shading screens in a circular format, covering the area of 1.0 m from the projection of the Crown of each plant. Were analyzed, every month, the length of the stem (cm), stem diameter (mm), number and length of the primary shoots, amount of brightness on and below the projection of copa (lux). The experiment 2 was conducted in UNEPE Nursery seedling production of vegetables using seeds of physiologically mature fruit with hybrid. The fruits were collected according to the time of its production, in producer in the southwest region of Paraná, already identified. After 60 days of sowing, the plantlets emerged from a single seed were peaked, keeping a seedling per cartridge, since this species presents polyembryony. Then, these have been transplanted the cells for 3 litre pots containing commercial substrate. The treatments and evaluations were the same applied in experiment 1 except brightness. The data obtained in the field and in nurseries have shown that the jabuticaba can be grown or produced in luminosity of 0 to 90% of shading, respectively. However, these data are only an annual cycle, with for greater reliability analyze them in other years.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDois Vizinhos
dc.publisherEngenharia Florestal
dc.subjectÁrvores frutíferas
dc.subjectFisiologia vegetal
dc.subjectEngenharia florestal
dc.subjectFruit trees
dc.subjectPlant physiology
dc.subjectForestry engineering
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de jabuticabeira híbrida de acordo com a intensidade luminosa

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