dc.contributorArantes, Eudes José
dc.contributorMacowski, Diogo Heron
dc.creatorSantos, Rafael dos
dc.identifierSANTOS, Rafael dos. Desenvolvimento de um sistema composto de ferramentas eletrônicas e computacionais para coletas e análises de dados de infiltração de água. 2013. 54 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThe electronic and computational tools in the development software has been outstanding in the last years, in the current scenery of the hydrologic studies. The use of these tools allows the collection of data with larger precisions, to realize more necessary analyses, to apply methods of I make calculations of difficult manual execution and a better use of the time. In the present work the development of a system is presented for studies of infiltration of water, based on electronic tools and computational. This system is treated of the use of the coupled of a device concentric rings for control of volume of water, a reservoir coupled with an electronic device of reading of level of water and storage of data, as well as a software for you analyze mathematics. Three analyses were realized, two in a manual conventional method and one using the developed system. Compared the results of the rehearsals amongst themselves it was verified benefits in relation to practical. As well as it was studied and presented the statistical proof of the developed system and pointed others of benefits.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCampo Mourao
dc.subjectSolos - Permeabilidade
dc.subjectSistemas de coleta automática de dados
dc.subjectProcessamento eletrônico de dados
dc.subjectSoil permeability
dc.subjectAutomatic data collection systems
dc.subjectElectronic data processing
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de um sistema composto de ferramentas eletrônicas e computacionais para coletas e análises de dados de infiltração de água

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