dc.contributorRomano, Cezar Augusto
dc.creatorDantas, Guilherme Furiatti
dc.identifierDANTAS, Guilherme Furiatti. Regularização dos bens imóveis públicos municipais: unificação e/ou subdivisão: estudo de caso da Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba. 2012. 36 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThis monograph's main objective is to create a manual for the documental regularization of the municipal real-estate patrimony, to be used by all municipalities, restricted to the scope of municipal lands that require subdivision, merge or subdivision with merge in order to individualize registration to parcels where different equipment is located, process of which demands urgency and intends to comply with current Federal Laws. The secondary objective is to increase awareness of the importance of the Municipal Departments to communicate to the Patrimony Department about any changes made on their properties in order to register the corresponding changes and reduce relevant costs to the municipal treasury. For this purpose, besides a brief overview of the evolution of the demand for public equipments in Curitiba, it will be detailed how the regularization processes currently occur in the Curitiba’s City Hall Furthermore, a case study of a process of a subdivision process of a Topographic study of a municipal parcel,which contains two different equipments where City Hall is located, aiming at individualizing their registrations and a later time, suggestions of changes to this process, seeking several improvements. Will be analyzed, along with this study, the amount of time that the processes are taking nowadays, and where we have failures that imply in unnecessary costs and waste of time in detriment to the municipality.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil
dc.subjectRegistro de imóveis
dc.subjectBens imóveis
dc.subjectLand titles - Registration and transfer
dc.subjectReal property
dc.titleRegularização dos bens imóveis públicos municipais: unificação e/ou subdivisão: estudo de caso da Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba

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