dc.contributorWolff, Jairo Muller
dc.contributorWolff, Jairo Muller
dc.contributorMeza, Maria Lucia Figueiredo Gomes de
dc.contributorSousa, Paulo Daniel Batista de
dc.creatorMelo, José Aparecido de
dc.identifierMELO, José Aparecido de. Redução desperdícios e perdas no setor de embalagem de motores elétricos industriais. 2017. 54 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Engenharia de Produção) Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThis work was developed based on theoretical basis, aiming at the implementation of WCM (World Class Manufacturing) methodology in the model center (packaging sector) that is composed of three lines of boxing of electric motors. The work was developed in three parts, first it was necessary to carry out a study on the topic addressed, then the implementation of the WCM methodology and, finally, analysis of the results obtained in the implementation of the methodology in a model center. The objectives of the cost reduction work using the WCM methodology, raised in code deployment were achieved. With the improvements implemented in the boxing lines (model center) there was a reduction in losses due to product inspection, due to lack of programming and product inspection. With the reduction of labor there was an increase of 11% in productivity in the model center in a daily production of 2.100 motors..
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEspecialização em Engenharia de Produção
dc.subjectDesperdício (Economia)
dc.subjectControle de perdas
dc.subjectRedução de resíduos
dc.subjectCusto industrial
dc.subjectWaste (Economics)
dc.subjectLoss control
dc.subjectWaste minimization
dc.subjectCosts, Industrial
dc.titleRedução dos desperdícios e perdas no setor de embalagem de motores elétricos industriais

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