dc.contributorLopes, Heitor Silverio
dc.contributorLopes, Heitor Silvério
dc.contributorFonseca, Keiko Verônica Ono
dc.contributorBona, Luis Carlos Erpen de
dc.creatorDiniz Junior, Paulo Carvalho
dc.identifierDINIZ JUNIOR, Paulo Carvalho. Serviços telemáticos em uma rede de transporte público baseados em veículos conectados e dados abertos. 2017. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
dc.description.abstractSmart city is a very trendy concept today. It defines a type of urban development capable of reducing environmental impacts, enhancing current models of access to natural resources, better transportation systems, waste management, residential climatization and, above all, energy management (production and distribution). The huge data volume produced by smart cities offers a great opportunity to analyze, understand and improve the way cities work and grow. This explosion in the amount of digital information has elevated the importance of learning from data to a higher level. This document aims at describing a methodology for acquiring and exploring data from one of the most important pillars of smart cities: the public transportation system. How to acquire, store and use such data in order to provide to all stakeholders telematics services with high added value is the problem that is sought to solve in this work. Five telematics services proof of concept are proposed: assessment of current network coverage followed by the proposal of some new bus lines; indirect evaluation of buses’ passengers occupation during the day; geofence with geographical boundaries according to itineraries; speed alert and maintenance reminder services. The results are very coherent and promising, opening up a wide range of possible future work to be explored.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial
dc.subjectTransporte urbano - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectPlanejamento urbano - Aspectos ambientais
dc.subjectSistemas de transmissão de dados
dc.subjectLevantamentos de origem e destino do trânsito
dc.subjectSistemas inteligentes de veículos rodoviários
dc.subjectMétodos de simulação
dc.subjectEngenharia elétrica
dc.subjectUrban transportation - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectCity planning - Environmental aspects
dc.subjectData transmission systems
dc.subjectOrigin and destination traffic surveys
dc.subjectIntelligent transportation systems
dc.subjectSimulation methods
dc.subjectElectric engineering
dc.titleServiços telemáticos em uma rede de transporte público baseados em veículos conectados e dados abertos

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