dc.contributorWagner Júnior, Américo
dc.contributorLucchetta, Luciano
dc.contributorWagner Júnior, Américo
dc.contributorZanela, Juliano
dc.contributorFabiane, Keli Cristina
dc.contributorCasaril, Kerley Braga Pereira Bento
dc.contributorFrata, Marcela Tostes
dc.creatorMohr, Fabíola Bogoni Mundstock
dc.identifierMOHR, Fabíola Bogoni Mundstock. Fermentados tipo iogurte sabor pitanga: alimento funcional e aceitação sensorial. 2019. 120 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2019.
dc.description.abstractFood is increasingly evident in the Brazilian market, with demand for products that meet consumer demand. The development of cholesterol-free and lactose-free products with biological components is proving to be a viable alternative. Eugenia uniflora (pitanga), being a native species and with the components that constitute a relevant biological organization, is presented as a promising alternative for the development of products. In this way, the objective was to obtain fermented types of pitanga flavor, with functional activity and sensorial acceptance. In order to do so, the fruits of the pitangueira were harvested in the UTFPR-DV native fruit orchard. As fruits were processed, the pulp was frozen, part was subjected to lyophilization and part was used in the production of jelly. The fermented beverage formulations were obtained from a water-soluble soybean base (EHS), with addition of 2% lyophilized pitanga pulp and another with 10% jelly addition, in new formulations, using sucralose as a sweetener. The base formulations of bovine milk and the forms of pitanga were elaborated with the purpose of comparisons between the products. Physical and chemical proteins were inserted into their primary formulas, including pH, acidity, soluble solids, proteins, lipids, ashes, moisture, calcium and vitamin C; total antioxidant activity (AAT), flavonoid content, anthocyanins, phenolic compounds and total carotenoids were analyzed. After microbiological analysis of innocuity were carried out, so that the sensorial analysis is carried out, and the determinants are not trained as formulations, being evaluated in relation to the sensorial attributes, preference test and purchase intention. Permissions - which are all formulations of the basic basic components in which they are stored as fermented beverages within the standards in force by product characterization legislation. In relation to the bioactive compounds and functional activity, as formulations with lyophilized pulp have a higher content of the same, as compared to containing jelly. However, the added formulations of jelly showed greater acceptance among the judges, showing an index above 70%, being a milk formulation, as a preference, followed by a soy base. In this way, it is affirmed that the pitanga derivatives have characteristics that classify them as flexible, as well as, that they are considered as potential in the market, favoring the use of native fruit.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia
dc.subjectAlimentos funcionais
dc.subjectFunctional foods
dc.titleFermentados tipo iogurte sabor pitanga: alimento funcional e aceitação sensorial

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