dc.contributorBerghauser, Neron Alipio Cortes
dc.contributorBerghauser, Neron Alipio Cortes
dc.contributorObana, João Enzio Gomes
dc.contributorWrasse, Carlos Laércio
dc.contributorThomaz, Diego Venâncio
dc.creatorMoreira, Ivonete
dc.identifierMOREIRA, Ivonete. A importância do envolvimento familiar na educação Infantil: um conflito de opiniões. 2014. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThis work had as its theme the importance of family involvement in early childhood education: A Conflict of Opinions. Whose goal is to study the importance of family and school in shaping the personality of the child, as well as their physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. To achieve this goal initially carried out a review of the literature in order to understand and the steps of development of the child in the light of modern child psychology and the role of the family in this process, to ascertain the role of schools in child development from the aspect the current legislation. Then was held the field research through questionnaires consisting of open and closed questions to ten teachers working in early childhood education and nine parents of students, to know their opinions about the responsibilities, limits and consequences of participation of each part of early childhood education and the contribution resulting from the partnership school/family in the formation of the student. Through this research, it can be seen that in general not noticed much difference in the opinions of teachers and parents regarding the importance of family involvement in the child's learning. However, this study indicated opinions and perceptions that rapprochement between school, teacher and family is essential factor for the child to learn the best way, obtaining significant results and leading him to become a full citizen and critical of their role society.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEducação: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento da personalidade
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento social
dc.subjectPersonality development
dc.titleA importância do envolvimento familiar na educação infantil: um conflito de opiniões

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