dc.contributorNagalli, André
dc.creatorMazur, Joyce
dc.identifierMAZUR, Joyce. Resíduos sólidos da construção civil e a logística reversa no canteiro de obras vinculados à saúde e segurança do trabalhador. 2015. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThe Construction industry contributes to the socioeconomic development of Brazil, but is responsible for major environmental impacts, not only for the consumption of natural resources as well as the generation of a large volume of waste, including personal protective equipment used by workers in this sector. Thus the present work has as main objective to analyze the effects of reverse logistics in construction, specifically in the subsector of buildings, considering the importance of work safety engineering in the construction site as great helper of waste management of construction and demolition (RCD). To achieve this goal it was used as a methodology to bibliographic research, exploratory and information obtained in three sub- sector of construction buildings as case studies on how the PPE come the works, the types and quantities of equipment used, the volume and disposal so these PPE. Through such research has been reported that waste management in the construction site, using the concept of reverse logistics, makes it possible to reuse and the reduction in the building site, the waste generated in the various stages of the work. The analyzes of these three works of buildings show that although companies bothering to provide the required PPE to workers some companies still do not undermine the recycling of these PPE. Two of the three works surveyed were concerned in making the segregation of these protective equipment correctly, the other drops the equipment with the trash, without worrying about the proper disposal. For waste management is applied efficiently in site it is necessary to involve everyone from top management to the workers. The provision of training to those involved in the work provides information and training of personnel, allowing everyone to act properly in order to put into action the proposed management, thereby making with that have a less waste, less waste materials, a cleaner work and consequently an improvement in maintaining the health and safety of the worker.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil
dc.subjectConstrução civil
dc.subjectCanteiro de obras - Fatores de risco
dc.subjectResíduos como material de construção
dc.subjectBuilding sites - Risk factors
dc.subjectWaste products as building materials
dc.titleResíduos sólidos da construção civil e a logística reversa no canteiro de obras vinculados à saúde e segurança do trabalhador

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