dc.contributorDonazzolo, Joel
dc.contributorFilippi, Marciele
dc.contributorDonazzolo, Joel
dc.contributorGrígolo, Serinei César
dc.contributorNava, Gilmar Antônio
dc.creatorSenkio, Maria Goreti
dc.identifierSENKIO, Maria Goreti. Produção de tubérculos-sementes de batata crem a partir de sementes botânicas sob diferentes níveis de sombreamento. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Agronomia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2021.
dc.description.abstractThe species Tropaeolum penthaphyllumincluded in the list of threatened with extinction, has its cultivation and potential restricted by the need to reserve part of its tubers for propagation in the next season. An alternative is the production of seed tubers from botanical seeds, which allows the full use of tubers for consumption and sale. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of cream potato seedlings at different levels of shading and to verify the development of tubers at the end of the cycle. The experiment was carried out in the forest nursery and agroforestry at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Dois Vizinhos Campus. The first stage took place in the nursery area with different shade levels (0, 30% black screen, 30% red screen, 50% black screen and 80% black screen). At the end of the cycle, the weight, size and rate of usable tubers were quantified. The tubers harvested from this first cycle were planted in the experimental area and after the end of the second cycle, harvested and evaluated for weight and size and production rates of usable tubers and tubers. The design used was completely randomized with 28 repetitions (plants) in the first year and three repetitions in the second year. The production of cream potato seed tubers from botanical seed proved to be feasible with the shading technique. The cultivation of seed tubers in two production cycles in the field, under water stress conditions, was not viable. Shading in the production of cream seed tubers is essential, since the plants died in full sun. The shading levels do not differ from each other for the analyzed variables.
dc.publisherDois Vizinhos
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectBiomassa vegetal
dc.subjectPlant biomass
dc.titleProdução de tubérculos-sementes de batata crem a partir de sementes botânicas sob diferentes níveis de sombreamento

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