dc.contributorGonzatto, Rodrigo Freese
dc.contributorGonzatto , Rodrigo Freese
dc.contributorGonzatto , Rodrigo Freese
dc.creatorSilveira, Paulo Henrique
dc.identifierSILVEIRA, Paulo Henrique. Projeto de sistema interativo para a exposição permanente do Museu Histórico de Londrina Padre Carlos Weiss. 2014. 62 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe History Museum Padre Carlos Weiss is a space of preservation of Londrina's city memory. In its permanent exhibition can be found objects documenting the growth of the city until the 70's. Many of these objects are considered as a novelty for visitors, and information about these can be useful to be known historical aspects during the museum visit. However, the objects in the Museum of History do not always have access to this information without requiring the presence or explanation of a guide, or even could be presented other than those already provided by the museum. To improve this aspect of communication between the museum and its visitors, in this paper we present an interaction design project in which we propose the inclusion of a digital technology in the museum to assist visitors in accessing this information. On this basis, it would be possible for visitors using a mobile phone with internet access and identification of QR Code to access additional information about the exhibits, as well as participate in the construction of the rescue and preservation of the memory of Londrina, contributing with testimonials and information about the exhibits.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDesenvolvimento Web
dc.subjectSistemas de computação interativos
dc.subjectComputação móvel
dc.subjectMuseus - Exposições
dc.subjectInteractive computer systems
dc.subjectMobile computing
dc.subjectMuseum exhibits
dc.titleProjeto de sistema interativo para a exposição permanente do Museu Histórico de Londrina Padre Carlos Weiss

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