dc.contributorTonial, Ivane Benedetti
dc.contributorMarchi, João Francisco
dc.creatorCarli, Caroline Giane de
dc.identifierCARLI, Caroline Giane de. Desenvolvimento de produto cárneo para alimentação escolar: hambúrguer de carne suína adicionado de farinha de linhaça. 2013. 33 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2013.
dc.description.abstractNutrition plays an important role throughout the life of the individual and the school stands out even more, since it is a period in which children have a more intense metabolism and nutritional requirements must be met in all parameters. But it is known that infant feeding has also undergone transformations which became adept consumption of fast food and ready meals. These consumer behaviors can be harmful to consumers' health and cause diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension. Thus, the supply of food fast and easy to prepare burgers as supplemented with flaxseed meal that besides nourishing may offer health benefits is characterized way to balance this situation. Given the above, the study aims at the development of pork burger, supplemented with omega-3, by adding flaxseed meal, which will be allocated to school feeding, using the raw material produced by family farmers. Three formulations were prepared, as follows: F-1: containing 0% flaxseed meal, F-2: 2.5% flaxseed meal and F-3: 5% flaxseed meal. The products were evaluated for physical, physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory. The results of physical analysis showed that the formulation (F-3) had a higher income and greater capacity for moisture retention. The physico-chemical analyzes indicated that the formulation (F-3) Considering the higher moisture content (60.55%) higher amount of protein, and less caloric. The three formulations met the microbiological standards established by law and is therefore suitable for consumption. As for sensory analysis samples did not differ statistically, and the addition of flaxseed meal flour does not interfere with the hamburger acceptance may also be regarded as a health food and functional properties, and therefore beneficial to the health of consumers, in addition to affordable and preparation quick and easy.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherFrancisco Beltrao
dc.publisherTecnologia em Alimentos
dc.subjectAlimentos funcionais
dc.subjectMerenda escolar
dc.subjectFunctional foods
dc.subjectSchool children - Food
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de produto cárneo para alimentação escolar: hambúrguer de carne suína adicionado de farinha de linhaça

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