dc.contributorAlmeida, Paulo Fernandes de
dc.contributorBueno, Ernesto
dc.contributorJorge, Debora Rocha Faria
dc.contributorLaroca, Christiane
dc.creatorKavalek, Thayná
dc.identifierKAVALEK, Thayná. Parque ecológico Domingos Zanette: requalificação e lazer para um novo olhar sobre a cidade de Santa Terezinha de Itaipu. 2018. 131 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThis research seeks to understand the importance of urban parks to the city and what factors lead the population to effectively use them, having as object of study the Domingos Zanette Ecological Park located in the city of Santa Terezinha de Itaipu, in the west of Paraná. The urban parks cause a series of benefits in the place where they are inserted and through the exercise of their social function, they can generate the quality of life of the user population. The object of study in question is currently underutilized, so the purpose of this work is to understand by means of literary revision and interpretation of the local reality the reasons that led to the disuse of the park. On-site surveys were carried out for the observation of the urban constitution, besides the application of an online questionnaire for the inhabitants of the city, seeking a complete understanding of the conditions. The analysis of the results, as well as the case studies presented and the current conditions of the park, help in the development of the design guidelines in order to propose the requalification of the site in order to restore its functions that were lost due to underutilization. In this way the requalification to be proposed, the main object of study of this research, plays a significant role within the city of Santa Terezinha de Itaipu, since it has the capacity to reestablish the use of the park and thus to add quality of life to the citizens of Itaipu and attract new glances over the city.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCurso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
dc.subjectParques urbanos
dc.subjectRenovação urbana
dc.subjectArquitetura paisagística
dc.subjectQualidade de vida
dc.subjectUrban parks
dc.subjectUUrban renewalRenovação urbana
dc.subjectLandscape architecture
dc.subjectQuality of life
dc.titleParque ecológico Domingos Zanette: requalificação e lazer para um novo olhar sobre a cidade de Santa Terezinha de Itaipu

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