dc.contributorStipp, Marcelo Eduardo Freres
dc.contributorFigueiredo, Edilene Sarge
dc.creatorRibeirete, Camylla Salton
dc.identifierRIBEIRETE, Camylla Salton. Aplicação do sistema de gestão ambiental em empresas: estudo de caso de uma mineradora de basalto em Ibiporã/Pr. 2013. 80 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThe current study presents the Environmental Management System – EMS as a proposal of techniques to improve environmental quality. Due to its economic growth, Brazil has been heavily investing on housing and infrastructure at urban centres, which results in implementations of systems for managing impacts to the environment. One of the most significant examples regarding infrastructure is basalt mining for gravel production which is indispensable nowadays for development, and which generates environmental impacts in the absence of effective implementation of techniques and actions. Among the new techniques which are being raised to reduce the generation of environmental impactsto the maximum, the EMS is the most effective way, thus, this study aims to present the EMS implementation proposal and its fulfilment at ICA Mining, settled at Ibiporã city, Parana state.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectGestão ambiental
dc.subjectMinas e recursos minerais
dc.subjectImpacto ambiental
dc.subjectEnvironmental management
dc.subjectMines and mineral resources
dc.subjectEnvironmental impact statements
dc.titleAplicação do sistema de gestão ambiental em empresas: estudo de caso de uma mineradora de basalto em Ibiporã/Pr

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