dc.contributorAgustini, Márcia Antonia Bartolomeu
dc.contributorOrssatto, Fábio
dc.contributorAgustini, Márcia Antonia Bartolomeu
dc.contributorOrssatto, Fábio
dc.contributorCosta Junior, Ismael Laurindo
dc.contributorFernandes, Dangela Maria
dc.creatorNinov, Juliana
dc.creatorScarpari, Maria Cristina
dc.identifierNINOV, Juliana; SCARPARI, Maria Cristina. Análise da qualidade de água de poços sedimentados nas comunidades rurais do município de São Miguel do Iguaçu PR. 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. (Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2017.
dc.description.abstractWater is very important to mankind because it’s considered the fuel of life. The present study had the aim to analyze the microbiological and physicochemical quality of the sedimentated wells of the communities of the interior of the County of São Miguel do Iguaçu. Two samples were collected from each community, one at the point near the well and another at the farthest point. Two campaigns were carried out, one at the beginning of winter, the month of June and the other in September, the beginning of spring. The total and thermotolerant coliform parameters, color, conductivity, pH, temperature and nitrate were measured in the samples. In the first collection, it was observed microbiological contamination by total coliforms in both samples collected, and physico-chemical contamination by high nitrate levels in all points of communities A, B and C. The pH and color analyzes were found to be in compliance with 2914/11 legislation at all points, conductivity had minimum found of 185.9 μS cm-1 and maximum 280.8 μS cm-1 and samples temperatures of at least 16.7 ° C and maximum of 18.5 ° C . In the second collection, contamination by total coliforms in all communities and contamination by thermotolerant coliforms in communities B and C was detected, as well as contamination by high concentration of nitrate in almost all points, pH was elevated in all samples, and the conductivity decreased with 111.7 μS cm-1 and 193.1 μS cm-1. Already the color analyzes were within the parameters of the 2914/11 in all the samples, and the temperature of the samples had an increase in all the points. It is observed that the groundwater of these localities are contaminated according to the comparisons to the parameters of the ordinance 2914/2011 contamination of these, of anthropogenic origin in both communities, through agriculture and agriculture, thus indicated, the urgency of a chemical treatment, such as the addition of daily chlorine, as well as the need for more detailed investigations into the impacts of rural activities on groundwater.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherTecnologia em Gestão Ambiental
dc.subjectÁguas subterrâneas
dc.subjectÁgua potável - Contaminação 
dc.subjectAbastecimento de água no campo
dc.subjectDrinking water - Contamination
dc.subjectWater-supply, Rural
dc.titleAnálise da qualidade de água de poços sedimentados nas comunidades rurais do município de São Miguel do Iguaçu

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