dc.contributorPizano, Carla Adriana
dc.creatorLourenço, Adriano Francisco Hernandes
dc.identifierLOURENÇO, Adriano Francisco Hernandes. Programa cidade viva - adote uma árvore: uma iniciativa entre o poder público e o setor privado para revitalizar a arborização urbana na cidade de Paranavaí - PR. 2014. 63 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study the pilot project was to describe "Adopt Trees - Leave your Mark" developed between the government and the private sector to revitalize urban forestry in the city from Paraná - PR and check the general condition of trees planted and Guards installed and advertisements. To achieve this purpose, but without exhausting the subject, which is complex and comprehensive, the following specific objectives were: (i) Describe how the pilot project of planting and maintaining trees in urban area was conducted by the company from Paraná by private initiative, with the permission and support from Paraná; (ii) Discerning the motives that led to the termination of project; (iii) Inventory phytosanitary conditions of the arboreal heritage constituted the first stage of this project; (iv) Demonstrate by spreadsheets and charts, general and species of these trees present conditions; (v) Check if the trees belong to the recommended species and are within the standards high and constant DAP in the current code greening of the municipality; (vi) Show why only planting small species in the main shopping street and city service was performed; (vii) Examine how the structures are the protectors of trees (fences) and (viii) are rising as the conditions of the adhesive films of the disclosures set railings trees. In research used quantitative and qualitative methodology, data collection through inventory and literature. From the results obtained it can be seen that the general conditions of trees and guards are satisfactory, but there was inattention to the size of thanks for Law trees for planting under power grid. Such is the importance of this pilot project that was the basis for the new wording of the Code of afforestation of the municipality, which went on to give legal certainty to the authorization issued by the environmental agency, however with regard to the structure of the guard required by law further what is there to discuss, because the model required after withdrawal must be discarded, raising the cost of the project and being antagonistic to environmental issues, as well as prohibit the use of models made with recyclable materials. Despite some challenges to improve the living city program , the results obtained in this study shows that society in conjunction with the government can turn the solvable problems of urban forestry.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectArborização das cidades
dc.subjectÁrvores - Mudas
dc.subjectÁrvores sombreadoras
dc.subjectTrees in cities
dc.subjectTrees - Seedlings
dc.subjectShade trees
dc.titlePrograma cidade viva - adote uma árvore: uma iniciativa entre o poder público e o setor privado para revitalizar a arborização urbana na cidade de Paranavaí - PR

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