dc.contributorTureck, Luciane Viater
dc.contributorTureck, Luciane Viater
dc.contributorBertoni, Danislei
dc.contributorLeal, Bruna Elise Sauer
dc.creatorCosta, Evelize Bordinhão
dc.creatorCustódio, Gilvane
dc.identifierCOSTA, Evelize Bordinhão; CUSTÓDIO, Gilvane. O jogo desembaralhando a sexualidade como mediador no ensino de ciências. 2018. 72 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura Interdisciplinar em Ciências Naturais) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe work with the topic sexuality in the classroom is extremely important considering the impact it has on different aspects of everyone's life. Knowledge about the physical changes of adolescence, risks and pleasures associated with a healthy relationship with sexuality allows teens to develop more safely, aware that simple and affordable measures of protection have a major impact on their lives. In this sense, some barriers still seem to hamper student learning, such as lack of teaching materials for example. Given these issues, the objective of this study is to evaluate the contributions of a didactic game as a playful mediating tool for the teaching and learning of sexuality content in the final years of elementary school. Among the subjects studied are: ado-lescence, organs of the genital systems, physiological processes associated with re-production, diseases sexually transmitted diseases, methods of protection, discus-sions on gender and diversity. The data were collected through questionnaires an-swered by science teachers and students, as well as observations during the applica-tion about the game. The game was applied to 8th grade students of the General Osó-rio State College in the city of Ponta Grossa in the year 2018. It was possible to identify that after the game the percentage of accuracy increased to 29 of the 37 questions, 3 maintained the same hit percentage, and 5 had their hit percentage decreased. It was possible to conclude that the game Unpacking Sexuality promoted the interaction, ex-change of knowledge and information among the students, favoring a more dynamic and effective learning.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPonta Grossa
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Ensino
dc.publisherLicenciatura Interdisciplinar em Ciências Naturais
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
dc.subjectEducação sexual
dc.subjectJogos educativos
dc.subjectCiência - Estudo e ensino
dc.subjectSex instruction
dc.subjectEducational games
dc.subjectScience - Study and teaching
dc.titleO jogo desembaralhando a sexualidade como mediador no ensino de ciências

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