dc.contributorBittencourt, Juliana Vitoria Messias
dc.creatorRodrigues, Marjory Xavier
dc.identifierRODRIGUES, Marjory Xavier. Proposta de inovação tecnológica no controle de qualidade da produção agroindustrial. 2013. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2013.
dc.description.abstractFood Quality control programs based on pathogens detection have techniques that exhibit disadvantages, which are long periods of analysis time, high cost of implementation, high risk of misinterpretation and failure to detect specifics microorganisms because its characteristics cannot be expressed and still they can be present viable cells, but not cultivable. Therefore, emerge the need for alternatives to traditional techniques. Molecular techniques represent an important technological innovation, but face difficulties in its insertion. So, the objective of this research was to characterize the factors limiting the adoption of molecular techniques in food microbiology laboratories in the region of Campos Gerais, Paraná State. For this, it was developed semi-structured questionnaire. This questionnaire was evaluated and applied in microbiology laboratories of six companies of the food sector from Campos Gerais region. Furthermore, experimental trials were carrying out to development of molecular diagnostics for detecting Staphylococcus aureus in food. DNA extractions by different methods was applied, reactions for the detection of coa and nuc A genes was standardized and application of molecular detection in food naturally contaminated samples was realized. As the results, the Bax ® System was indicated as the molecular techniques applicable in laboratory routine of food industry. In other hands, the results of surveys, standardization and development of PCR technique in food sample showed some factors limiting for the adoption of molecular techniques. The factors are: the lack of managers knowledge about scientific information; the Brazilian law that presents conventional methods, opening the need for research like this; the lack of financial resources for specific equipment that are required by the technology; the need of support of the expertise in molecular diagnostics, because in the standardization the experience is required for the improvement of technical adjustment in according with laboratory conditions and analysts training; and finally the time taken for the adjustments in the protocols. It is hoped with these results overcome the limiting factors and that technological innovation proposal will be adopted, so businesses and consumers can be benefit with apply of analytical tools of high performance.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPonta Grossa
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção
dc.subjectInovações tecnológicas
dc.subjectAlimentos - Indústria
dc.subjectReação em cadeia de polimerase
dc.subjectDiagnóstico molecular
dc.subjectControle de qualidade
dc.subjectTechnological innovations
dc.subjectFood industry and trade
dc.subjectPolymerase chain reaction
dc.subjectMolecular diagnosis
dc.subjectQuality control
dc.titleProposta de inovação tecnológica no controle de qualidade da produção agroindustrial

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