dc.contributorMendonça, Márcio
dc.contributorMendonça, Márcio
dc.contributorFinocchio, Marco Antônio Ferreira
dc.contributorDestro, Jancer Frank Zanini
dc.creatorCorrêa, Elton Carlos
dc.identifierCORRÊA, Elton Carlos. Sistema supervisório utilizando controle Fuzzy-PID em um processo de fermentação alcoólica. 2015. 60 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThis work suggests a supervisory system to a fermentation process using fuzzy logic. This process is simulated in MATLAB software through a fermenter model by differential equations, which describe the dynamic behavior of the process. The same is composed of a fermentation tank, Fint inlet valve and an outlet valve Fout, these valves are controlled by controllers, and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID). The study has three control architectures for use of fuzzy logic; the first and second architectures make the supervision of the process, from the set-points to PID controllers, already the third architecture in addition to passing the set- points, is the online assemble the KP parameter. Search for validation is used two different fermentation campaigns, applied to the three architectures of supervisory control, and process controlled by PID controllers only. The simulation results are presented in tables, with the performances of architectures, and figures, which show the dynamic behavior of the process; the three architectures showed satisfactory results with respect to classic PID control, leading to a reduction of the integral of the absolute value error (IAE) for the controlled variable (fermented product) up to 32% in the second architecture. And finally, is made a conclusion and suggestions for future work.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCornelio Procopio
dc.publisherTecnologia em Automação Industrial
dc.subjectSistemas de controle supervisório
dc.subjectSistemas difusos
dc.subjectSupervisory control systems
dc.subjectFuzzy Systems
dc.titleSistema supervisório utilizando controle Fuzzy-PID em um processo de fermentação alcoólica

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