dc.contributorBittencourt, Juliana Vitoria Messias
dc.contributorBittencourt, Juliana Vitoria Messias
dc.contributorRodrigues, Marjory Xavier
dc.contributorRodrigues, Sabrina Ávila
dc.creatorGonçalves, Andiara
dc.identifierGONÇALVES, Andiara. Diagnóstico molecular para detecção de patógenos alimentares em embutidos. 2012. 18 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Alimentos) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2012.
dc.description.abstractDuring the sausage production process occurs a large exposure to microbiological contamination. Salmonella sp. and Staphylococcus aureus are the main pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in this kind of product. The detection of pathogenic microorganisms has a major importance since they are potencial agent of foodborne disease. Currently, the detection of microorganism is widely performed by conventional microbiological techniques, which are time consuming and can often lead to erroneous interpretations. Quick implementation technologies have been developed. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a molecular technique that can be used to food microorganisms determination but also has different applications. This project applies molecular diagnostics to detect Salmonella sp. and Staphylococcus aureus in sausages sold in the Campos Gerais region. Therefore we collect five samples of sausages then submitted to pre-enrichment, DNA extraction and PCR via amplification to coa and invA genes. The obtained results were the absence of Salmonella sp. which is acceptable for the resolution in force. In contrast, for S. aureus 100% of the samples showed the presence of this microorganism, but this result is also tolerated by the current resolution. However, the presence of S. aureus in food is worrying due the production of thermostable enterotoxins by this microorganism.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPonta Grossa
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Alimentos
dc.publisherTecnologia em Alimentos
dc.subjectEmbutidos (Alimentos)
dc.subjectStafilococos áureos
dc.subjectReação em cadeia de polimerase
dc.subjectStaphylococcus aureus
dc.subjectPolymerase chain reaction
dc.titleDiagnóstico molecular para detecção de patógenos alimentares em embutidos

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