dc.contributorBalestra, Carlos Eduardo Tino
dc.contributorIbrahim, Lucas Boabaid
dc.contributorSilva, Silvana da
dc.contributorFeiber, Silmara Dias
dc.contributorBalestra, Carlos Eduardo Tino
dc.contributorIbrahim, Lucas Boabaid
dc.creatorBraghirolli, Jean Carlos Bueno
dc.identifierBRAGHIROLLI, Jean Carlos Bueno. Estudo da geometria e manutenção da pista de pouso e decolagem do aeroporto municipal de Cascavel Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Toledo, 2018.
dc.description.abstractMost Brazilian airports were built over many decades, when operational safety requirements were significantly lower. However, those requirements have improved in recent decades in the quest to keep up with the challenges posed by the growth of the civil aviation sector, which has resulted in a large number of nonconformities at Brazil’s airports. The occurrence of nonconformities makes airport operations less secure, compromising the operation, development and reliability of the Airport. Therefore, for the expansion and adequacy of the airport infrastructure, studies must be done to ensure its effectiveness, considering the high investments and the complexity of the process. Thus, this work presents an analysis of the infrastructure’s geometry and maintenance of the runway system of Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport, Cascavel. The analysis was made through the characterization of the airport and then the diagnosis of the elements in relation to the current national and international standards. This study has identified divergences in conformities in relation to the normative recommendations and standards analyzed. Suggestions and recommendations to mitigate nonconformities and to adjust operational safety levels were presented in the results and discussions of this work.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.subjectPavimentos - Manutenção e reparos
dc.subjectAeronáutica - Medidas de segurança
dc.subjectPavements - Maintenance and repair
dc.subjectAeronautics - Safety measures
dc.titleEstudo da geometria e manutenção da pista de pouso e decolagem do aeroporto municipal de Cascavel Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva

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