dc.creatorLazzaretti, Andre Eugênio
dc.creatorFerreira, Vitor Hugo
dc.creatorVieira Neto, Hugo
dc.creatorRiella, Rodrigo Jardim
dc.creatorOmori, Julio Shigeaki
dc.identifierLAZZARETTI, André Eugênio et al. Classification of events in distribution networks using autonomous neural models. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEM APPLICATIONS TO POWER SYSTEMS, 15., 2009, Curitiba. Anais eletrônicos… Curitiba, 2009. Disponível em: <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5352812>. Acesso em: 16 jul. 2013.
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a method for automatic classification of faults and events related to quality of service in electricity distribution networks. The method consists in preprocessing event oscillographies using the wavelet transform and then classifying them using autonomous neural models. In the preprocessing stage, the energy present in each sub-band of the wavelet domain is computed in order to compose input feature vectors for the classification stage. The classifiers investigated are based in Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) feed-forward artificial neural networks and Support Vector Machines (SVM), which automatically promote input selection and structure complexity control simultaneously. Experiments using simulated data show promising results for the proposed application.
dc.relationInternational Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems
dc.subjectEnergia elétrica - Distribuição
dc.subjectRedes neurais (Computação)
dc.subjectWavelets (Matemática)
dc.subjectElectric power distribution
dc.subjectNeural networks (Computer science)
dc.subjectWavelets (Mathematics)
dc.titleClassification of events in distribution networks using autonomous neural models

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