dc.contributorGuerrini, Daniel
dc.contributorGuerrini, Daniel
dc.contributorPereira, David da Silva
dc.contributorCunha, Maria de Fátima da
dc.creatorNovelli, Letícia Veitas
dc.identifierNOVELLI, Letícia Veitas. As mulheres na Comissão Nacional da Verdade: a construção de consciência histórica na sala de aula por meio dos depoimentos femininos (2019). 2020. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e da Natureza) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2020.
dc.description.abstractThe Brazilian military dictatorship still a recurrent theme in the actual society, mostly because part of the people remembers this time period with nostalgia of its conservatism. Due the need of studies which value the critical thought of the Students from the Brazilian General Equivalency Diploma program (GED), this research started from two problems: 1)Know what were the treatment to women in prison during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1969-1980). 2) How it is possible to conduct the GED students to a process of enlightenment about the reality of the women’s treatment during the Brazilian military dictatorship. These two problems departed from other two hypothesis: a) Women incarcerated and tortured during the military dictatorship were treated unequal based on their gender; b) And that the students can transform and base their thoughts or get the need elements to reaffirm what they already knew, through a scientific investigation and the historical consciousness. Therefore, one of the aims of this paper is to present and the apply of a interactive didact sequence (IDS), as a educational product. The guiding axis of the research are: a) The Foucauldian discourse analysis (2012); b) The notion of feminine silencing from Michelle Perrot (2017) and Mary Del Priore (2004); c) The construction of historical consciousness from Rüzen (2009). The dissertation will have five theorical chapters: The first is about the Brazilian military dictatorship historical context, the second will specify the historical context on women before and after the 1964 coup d’etat. The third chapter will be about the historical consciousness, which will sustain the IDS. The fourth chapter will contain the document analysis with the report from four women on the National Truth Commission being analyzed. The last chapter shall bring the results from the four reports analyzed with the GED students from a school in Rolândia-Paraná (Brazil) and a brief interpretation of what these students understood about the read of the mentioned reports.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e da Natureza
dc.subjectDitadura - Brasil
dc.subjectMulheres - História
dc.subjectComissão Nacional da Verdade (Brasil)
dc.subjectHistória - Estudo e ensino
dc.subjectPensamento crítico
dc.subjectDictatorship - Brazil
dc.subjectWomen - History
dc.subjectHistory - Study and teaching
dc.subjectCritical thinking
dc.titleAs mulheres na Comissão Nacional da Verdade: a construção de consciência histórica na sala de aula por meio dos depoimentos femininos (2019)

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