dc.contributorLobeiro, Adilandri Mércio
dc.creatorGarcia, Tereza Maria Pereira
dc.identifierGARCIA, T. M. P. Solução numérica de equações diferenciais ordinárias. 20012. 114 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThis paper proposes explicit numerical methods known as Linear Step Multiple Methods used for solving Ordinary Differential Equations, describing their concepts and mechanisms for coordinated approach to the solution of an Initial Value Problem where each iteration, new values are obtained by discretizing a set of points in a certain range. The methods of approach occurs with the help of software Maple 16 to the computer implementation of numerical methods studied and developed in theory. Each of the studies consists of the theoretical discussion followed by manual resolution in a range divided into a few parts, after that, a computer code is presented and the resolution is done via software with the study interval further fractionated. Both resolutions are part of tables and graphs that are constructed to allow the understanding of each method and the comparison between analytical results and numerical approximations.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológico Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCampo Mourao
dc.subjectMétodos numéricos
dc.subjectEquações diferenciais ordinárias
dc.subjectSolução numérica
dc.subjectNumerical methods
dc.subjectOrdinary differential equations
dc.subjectNumerical methods
dc.titleSolução numérica de equações diferenciais ordinárias

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