dc.contributorDi Bernardi, Raffaello Popa
dc.contributorFolador, Benice
dc.contributorPereira Filho, José Ilo
dc.contributorDi Bernardi, Raffaello Popa
dc.creatorPozenato, Chirlei Maria
dc.identifierPOZENATO, Chirlei Maria. Estudo de caso sobre a integração de requisitos de saúde e segurança do trabalho ao processo de projeto arquitetônico. 2014. 89 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThis research analyzes the integration between the areas of Architecture and Engineering Health and Safety at Work, in order to evaluate the performance and the prevention of occupational hazards in the form of anticipation of them during the design process, by applying a protocol to integrate occupational health and safety requirements to the development process of the construction product to hedge the end user. As the objectives and intended purposes, this study aims to articulate the architectural design process in the design of workspaces as anticipation method and worker protection to occupational risks in healthcare, specifically the case study of the application of a protocol to process project of renovation and expansion of a laboratory analysis of a city health center in Pato Branco / PR, in order to reduce diseases and accidents. This research aims, through a retrospective study, gain a better understanding of the decisions taken during the architectural design process can help to anticipate the risks and hazards in the work environment in order to ensure health and safety of the end user. To achieve better control of the situation, is employed the method of analysis of failure modes (FMEA) on industrial activities carried out in this environment, to understand how the project decisions can affect positively or negatively such modes, ie, contribute to or inhibit potential risks of accidents and occupational diseases. As to the recommendations for the design process, with the implementation of FMEAPPS, some decisions informed in OSH, and not only in the ANVISA standards, can help to anticipate occupational hazards in this case, according to the analysis result retrospective. Thus, we can see that the decisions taken by architectural designers can influence the end-user SST simply by interdisciplinary with area experts. Therefore, the FMEA-PPS protocol is useful as a tool anticipation of hazards and risks in order to safeguard end users.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherEngenharia de Segurança do Trabalho
dc.subjectSegurança do trabalho
dc.subjectAdministração de projetos
dc.subjectProjeto arquitetônico
dc.subjectHigiene do trabalho
dc.subjectIndustrial safety
dc.subjectProject management
dc.subjectArchitectural design
dc.subjectIndustrial hygiene
dc.titleEstudo de caso sobre a integração de requisitos de saúde e segurança do trabalho ao processo de projeto arquitetônico

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