dc.contributorMunaro, Ana Cristina
dc.contributorMaranho, Elisa Peres
dc.contributorCastro, Ivone Terezinha de
dc.contributorMunaro, Ana Cristina
dc.creatorHeinzen, Phelipe
dc.identifierHEINZEN, Phelipe. Fotografia e conscientização ambiental em tempos de mídias sociais: um estudo sobre o greenpeace no Instagram. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação ) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
dc.description.abstractWe live in a visual culture in which, from the time we wake up to the moment we close our eyes to sleep, we are being covered by images of all kinds and in all possible ways, from prints to digital. Although this visual culture came from many centuries, perhaps millennia ago, the appreciation of visual representations had great growth with the creation and popularization of photography, which, after almost two hundred years and a series of improvements, shows itself as the most non-textual language. Present in globalized society, being an omnipresent element in social media. At the same time, it is also living in times critical of the Earth, with a growing population, consuming more resources than the planet is able to withstand and practicing activities highly harmful to nature, compromising the future of life here. In this way, the objective of this work was to identify the type of image in the Instagram application of the environmental awareness entity profile Greenpeace generates more results of digital engagement in the public, seeking to find ways to make the message more efficient. To achieve this purpose, a bibliographical survey of principles and theories of photography was carried out, especially in the works of Roland Barthes, in order to understand the effect of the photographic image on the observer. In addition, a research was developed, that was divided in two stages - one with sources of qualitative evidence with secondary data and the second, quantitative, with survey of primary data through questionnaire, counting on the participation of Brazilian users of the application. The results obtained evidenced the preference of this public for photographs, in comparison to other types of images created, besides confirming the importance of the consistency of the visual identity also in the digital channels of communication of an entity.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherTecnologia em Design Gráfico
dc.subjectDesenho industrial
dc.subjectComunicação visual
dc.subjectDesign, Industrial
dc.subjectVisual communication
dc.titleFotografia e conscientização ambiental em tempos de mídias sociais: um estudo sobre o greenpeace no Instagram

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