dc.contributorBaldissera, Eliana Maria
dc.contributorBaldissera, Eliana Maria
dc.contributorMoreira, Gláucia Cristina
dc.contributorLenhard, Daiane Cristina
dc.creatorSoares, Lais Larissa
dc.identifierSOARES, Lais Larissa. Desenvolvimento de bebida láctea fermentada zero açúcar com mucilagem de chia (Salvia hispanica). 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Alimentos) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2021.
dc.description.abstractMilk is a food rich in nutritional benefits and has a wide use in the food industry, such as in the manufacture of cheese. Whey is a by-product of the cheese industry and is often considered effluent and improperly discarded into the environment. The development of a fermented milk drink is an alternative for the reuse of this residue. Therefore, the objective of this work was to elaborate five formulations of a zero sugar milk drink, açaí flavor, from whey with variations in the concentration of chia mucilage in the proportions of 0% (standard formulation), 25% of replacement of the stabilizer by mucilage (formulation 1) 50% replacement (formulation 2), 75% (formulation 3) and 100% replacement of the stabilizer by mucilage (formulation 4) subsequently carry out the physicochemical analyzes (pH, moisture, ash, proteins , fat, titratable acidity, water activity and syneresis) in addition to apparent viscosity analysis. As for the results for pH analysis, formulation 4 had the lowest average, being more acidic when compared to the other formulations. As for lipid analysis, the formula milk drink with 50% stabilizer and 50% chia mucilage obtained the highest value (2.81 g 100g-1). Formulation 4 had the lowest value (1.86 g 100g-1) for fat content. Through the obtained results, it could be affirmed that the elaborated formulations of milky drink, complied with the parameters established by the legislation, even with the substitution of the commonly used stabilizer, by chia mucilage.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEngenharia de Alimentos
dc.subjectLeite fermentado
dc.subjectAdoçantes artificiais - Indústria
dc.subjectLaticínios - Processamento
dc.subjectFermented milk
dc.subjectSweetener industry
dc.subjectDairy processing
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de bebida láctea fermentada zero açúcar com mucilagem de chia (Salvia hispanica)

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