dc.contributorCampos, Paulo Roberto Brero de
dc.contributorCampos, Paulo Roberto Brero de
dc.contributorPedroni, Ricardo Umbria
dc.contributorFaria, Rubens Alexandre de
dc.creatorGuimarães, Anderson Valenga
dc.identifierGUIMARÃES, Anderson Valenga. Analysis of glass tilting dynamic on doors with single-guided window regulators and the impact of trapping force measuring methods on anti-trapping behavior. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Eletrônica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
dc.description.abstractFor the past few decades, the automation of vehicles has been gradually changing the user overall experience when on the road. While some functionalities improve the reliability on several car systems, new security concerns are also raised. This is the case for window regulators with automatic-up function, which can lead, with a single button press, to accidents like the trapping of passenger arms, fingers and subsequent injuries. These particular concerns are handled by the presence of a reversal algorithm on the electronic of the system, which prevents the window from closing after it detects an obstacle. To validate this function, various measurements are done during product development in order to keep the trapping force under the values specified by law. However, some elements can interfere on the anti-trapping behavior, such as the glass tilting, which was identified on past projects and will be explored during this work. Several tests will be done through a design of experiments matrix and a set of different sensors to analyze the most important factors related to the phenomenon. The purpose is to aggregate enough data in order confirm that a new method of trapping force measurement is necessary, to simulate real-life situations better during window regulator project development.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEngenharia Eletrônica
dc.subjectIndústria automobilística
dc.subjectJanelas - Medidas de segurança
dc.subjectAutomóveis - Equipamento eletrônico
dc.subjectAprisionamento - Medidas de segurança
dc.subjectSistemas eletrônicos
dc.subjectAutomobile industry and trade
dc.subjectWindows - Security measures
dc.subjectAutomobiles - Electronic equipment
dc.subjectTrapping - Security measures
dc.subjectElectronic systems
dc.titleAnalysis of glass tilting dynamic on doors with singleguided window regulators and the impact of trapping force measuring methods on anti-trapping behavior

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