dc.contributorLima Filho, Domingos Leite
dc.contributorMachado, Maria Lúcia Buher
dc.contributorUrbanetz, Sandra Terezinha
dc.contributorAmorim, Mário Lopes
dc.contributorMachado, Lucília Regina de Souza
dc.contributorFerretti, Celso João
dc.contributorLima Filho, Domingos Leite
dc.creatorPadilha, Rosana de Fátima Jammal
dc.identifierPADILHA, Rosana de Fátima Silveira Jammal. A significação da docência EBTT à luz da teoria da atividade. 2019. 184 f. Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia e Sociedade) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
dc.description.abstractThe present thesis is included in the discussions about "EBTT teaching", specifically deals with the process of meaning of this teaching, in a Federal Institute of recent creation, with teachers newly admitted in this type of teaching. It presents an analysis of how these teachers with different formations and experiences mean EBTT teaching and in what these meanings converge and diverge among themselves, and with the objective meaning that has been constituted about them. It performs this work through bibliographical, documentary and empirical research, based on the Theory of Activity of Alexis Nikolaevich Leontiev. The conclusion reached is that the process of social significance of EBTT teaching has been produced by the active society, having its own history, in the development of language, in the development of forms of social consciousness, in links that express the movement of science and its knowable resources, as well as ideological notions. And in this production, despite being a cause of conflict related to understandings about the production of knowledge in the context of the capitalist system, converges within the scope of the academy, the association that represents it and the government (jointly the institution that appeared to represent it), which, in opposite positions, reiterate an understanding of hierarchical teaching. The significance of EBTT teaching, from the perspective of the interviewees, is linked to the personal and professional training of workers, who come to this teaching in different ways, but in search of better working conditions and personal existence. In personal journeys whose experience constituted individuals for themselves, who in the context of the teaching experience personal conflicts of interest in an environment that is recognized as facilitator of multiple connections; and with a level of awareness that enables them to perceive the social role they play in the teaching function they carry out, but still linked to the dynamics of competition (within broader social relations), and in some way related to the conception of a hierarchy between formations and degrees (converging in this way with the objective sense that was constituted in social level, on these hierarchizations in the context of social division of labor).
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia e Sociedade
dc.subjectAto (Filosofia)
dc.subjectProfessores - Formação
dc.subjectLeont'ev, Aleksei Nikolaevich, 1903-1979 - Crítica e interpretação
dc.subjectTeoria da atividade
dc.subjectEnsino técnico
dc.subjectSignificação (Filosofia)
dc.subjectAct (Philosophy)
dc.subjectTeachers, Training of
dc.subjectActivity theory
dc.subjectTechnical education
dc.subjectMeaning (Philosophy)
dc.titleA significação da docência EBTT à luz da teoria da atividade

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