dc.contributorCasagrande, Luiz Fernande
dc.contributorCasagrande, Luiz Fernande
dc.contributorDagostini, Luciane
dc.contributorSchvirck, Eliandro
dc.creatorMingotti, Rafael
dc.identifierMINGOTTI, Rafael. Análise da importância das ferramentas de gestão no processo de gestão empresarial de acordo com os jovens empresários de Pato Branco. 2017. 71 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work was to conduct an exploratory research to identify if the young entrepreneurs of Pato Branco - PR, associated to the Business Association of Pato Branco - ACEPB, have knowledge of business management tools. The methodology used was divided into two phases. In the first phase, a review was carried out in the specialized literature, aiming to identify the characteristics of the most used business management tools and studied by authors and managers of reference in the environment. In the second phase, a survey was carried out with young entrepreneurs from Pato Branco - PR, associated with ACEPB. Among the main factors studied is the analysis of the existence of knowledge about the tools that can be used for business management and the verification of the current use of business management tools. The goal was to identify whether young people are willing to hire external consultants to assist in the implementation of business management tools and also sought to understand the perceived importance of young entrepreneurs in the most commonly used business management tools. Data analysis was qualitative and quantitative. The main results indicate that most of the young entrepreneurs of Pato Branco - PR, associated with ACEPB, claim to have knowledge in business management tools, also, the research presented a high degree of agreement among young entrepreneurs about the importance of using tools Business management.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Ciências Contábeis
dc.publisherGestão Contábil e Financeira
dc.subjectGestão de empresas
dc.subjectPlanejamento estratégico
dc.subjectPlanejamento empresarial
dc.subjectBusiness Management
dc.subjectStrategic planning
dc.subjectBusiness planning
dc.titleAnálise da importância das ferramentas de gestão no processo de gestão empresarial de acordo com os jovens empresários de Pato Branco

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