dc.contributorRasoto, Vanessa Ishikawa
dc.contributorRasoto, Vanessa Ishikawa
dc.contributorLima, Isaura Alberton de
dc.contributorGarcia, Carlos Mello
dc.creatorCavalcanti, Rosangela Wojdela
dc.identifierCAVALCANTI, Rosangela Wojdela. Avaliação da eficácia do Programa de Auxilio Estudantil na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Curitiba. 2016. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Planejamento e Governança Pública) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThe Federal Constitution predicates equal conditions to the access and permanency in the school. The Higher Education History in Brazil is spotted for social inequality. The programs evaluation growth has becoming systematized in Brazil. This study presents an evaluation of the efficiency of the Student Scholarship Program of the Federal Technological University of Paraná—Curitiba, through comparative studies between Scholarship Program students and the rest of the student body focusing on grades and student retention. The study offers a brief overview of Brazilian Higher Education and Student Scholarship Programs. The social issue examined is the retention of students in positions of socioeconomic vulnerability in higher education. In order to confront these issues, standards were edited and actions were developed, including the Student Scholarship Program of UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná). The study discusses evaluation procedures of Social Programs and Public Governance. This is a case study in which the university’s academic and the Scholarship Program databases are used as a corpus, and in which a questionnaire for former students, both graduated and withdrawn from the program, serves as compliment. A system of indicators was constructed, and its conclusion is presented through the efficiency of the Student Scholarship Program. The case study results demonstrate higher academic grades from scholarship students in relation to non-scholarship students, as well as higher retention rates for scholarship students in relation to the rest of the student body on campus
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Governança Pública
dc.subjectUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectEstudantes - Programas de assistência - Avaliação
dc.subjectEstudantes universitários - Aspectos sociais
dc.subjectIgualdade na educação
dc.subjectEvasão escolar
dc.subjectEnsino superior e Estado
dc.subjectPolítica pública
dc.subjectPesquisa social
dc.subjectAdministração pública
dc.subjectStudent assistance programs - Valuation
dc.subjectCollege students - Social aspects
dc.subjectEducational equalization
dc.subjectHigher education and State
dc.subjectPublic policy
dc.subjectSocial sciences - Research
dc.subjectPublic administration
dc.titleAvaliação da eficácia do Programa de Auxílio Estudantil na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Curitiba

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