dc.contributorPagani, Regina Negri
dc.contributorLima, Angelica Duarte
dc.contributorPagani, Regina Negri
dc.contributorLima, Angelica Duarte
dc.contributorPietrovski, Eliane Fernandes
dc.contributorCorsi, Alana
dc.creatorChaves, Isaque Daniel
dc.identifierCHAVES, Isaque Daniel. Piezoelétrico como fonte alternativa de energia para cidades inteligentes: uma pesquisa exploratória. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2021.
dc.description.abstractThe growing debates on the environment, new technologies and sustainable development, exposes how necessary the search for intelligent solutions to society's problems has become. Among these problems, electric energy represents one of the biggest costs for a city, but it is fundamental for the use of electronic devices that are part of the daily life of a good part of society. In this scenario of intense use of electric energy, whose supply can be one of the biggest bottlenecks for industries, the piezoelectric appears as an alternative for generating energy and creating selfpowered systems in different spaces, such as highways, sidewalks, parks and other spaces public, enabling the implementation of the guidelines of a smart city. The aim of this work is to explore how studies related to piezoelectric materials can relate to the concepts of smart cities. To achieve this goal, a systematic literature review was carried out using the Methodi Ordinatio methodology. The results show that these materials contribute to urbanism, sustainability, realtime monitoring, in health areas, with the comfort of the population, with urban mobility, and in countless other areas that help make a city smarter.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPonta Grossa
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Engenharia de Produção
dc.publisherEngenharia de Produção
dc.subjectCidades e vilas
dc.subjectFiltros elétricos de cristal
dc.subjectGeração distribuida de energia elétrica
dc.subjectCities and towns
dc.subjectElectric filters, Crystal
dc.subjectDistributed generation of electric power
dc.titlePiezoelétrico como fonte alternativa de energia para cidades inteligentes: uma pesquisa exploratória

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