dc.contributorViera, Graciela Leila Heep
dc.creatorBorba, Anabelle Retondario de Lima
dc.identifierBORBA, Anabelle Retondario de Lima. Análise da importância das ações do programa nacional de alimentação escolar sobre hábitos e práticas alimentares dos alunos, sob a percepção de professores dos sétimos anos em uma escola da rede estadual de Curitiba/PR. 2012. 39 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2012.
dc.description.abstractFood and education are determinants of health and conditioning. The National School Nutrition Programme (PNAE) has as one of its objectives the contribution to acquiring healthy eating habits and practices by students (BRAZIL, 2009). For this, the teacher plays a key role, given that one of the main actors within the school. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the knowledge of teachers of students of the 7th year of elementary school about PNAE. A questionnaire was presented to nine teachers to see if they exist between awareness of the importance of the school in this field and know what they think about the meal provided. In analyzing the results, there is a perceived lack of teacher knowledge about the Program and its dynamics within the school. There was disagreement about the existence of a qualified professional to prepare the menu: 56% could not answer, while 22% said "yes" and 22% "no". In fact, this school meal planning is done by cooks, along with a matron, with the help of a teacher, contrary to Law No. 11.947/09, which assigns this responsibility to a professional nutritionist. Only two teachers claimed to know the program, while three declined and four other alleged only have "heard" of it, which leads to reflection of little importance given to the issue of school meals. Regarding the consumption habits of teenagers in the range ("recreational"), all educators said those attending the canteen business, despite not having been consensus consumption of food provided by the school for adolescents. Since most teachers said consuming the meal and put cited as able to influence students, although few of them address the theme "Healthy Eating" in their disciplines. Note that a mismatch between discourse and reality, as if the "school entity" had the power to improve the eating habits of students, not the teachers, key characters of the construction of knowledge in this area. All educators consider school food can improve eating habits of students. We conclude this study with that school feeding is undervalued by teachers, as well as the exploration of the school environment as a promoter of good eating habits. It is necessary to greater efforts in the awareness of educators on the importance of its role in this field.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectHábitos alimentares
dc.subjectMerenda escolar
dc.subjectFood habits
dc.subjectSchool children - Food
dc.titleAnálise da importância das ações do programa nacional de alimentação escolar sobre hábitos e práticas alimentares dos alunos, sob a percepção de professores dos sétimos anos em uma escola da rede estadual de Curitiba/PR

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