dc.contributorAlmeida, Rogério Caetano de
dc.contributorAlmeida, Rogério Caetano de
dc.contributorSouza, Maurini de
dc.contributorLima, Marcelo Fernando de
dc.creatorPegurski, Carlos Augusto
dc.identifierPEGURSKI, Carlos Augusto. Análise do cordel “O padre Henrique e o dragão da maldade” de Patativa do Assaré: possibilidades de registro de um poema-denúncia. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Literatura Brasileira e História Nacional) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work is to analyze the narrative poem “O Padre Henrique e o Dragão da Maldade”, written by Patativa do Assaré, in order to trace a relationship between the text and the historical aspects that are part of the reflection brought by the author. In addition to identifying the elements that give the poem its literary quality, we observe how these resources are used só that the poem can achieve a social goal that transcends it, which is to artistically formulate a complaint about facts of a certain political situation. To this purpose, a brief biography of Patativa and the historical context of his work and of the “O Padre Henrique ...” in particular will be presented – a context that determines his writing and vice-versa. In the sequence, the poetic resources that the lyrical self will use for this record will be observed and in what way they collaborated for the production of the poem’s meaning
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherLiteratura Brasileira e História Nacional
dc.subjectLiteratura Brasileira
dc.subjectLiteratura e história
dc.subjectLiteratura de cordel brasileira
dc.subjectPatativa, do Assaré, 1909-2002
dc.subjectBrazilian literature
dc.subjectLiterature and history
dc.subjectChapbooks, Brazilian
dc.titleAnálise do cordel “O padre Henrique e o dragão da maldade” de Patativa do Assaré: possibilidades de registro de um poema-denúncia

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