dc.contributorCatai, Rodrigo Eduardo
dc.contributorRomano, Cezar Augusto
dc.contributorCatai, Rodrigo Eduardo
dc.contributorFrança, Thiago Valle
dc.creatorMedeiros, João Marcos
dc.identifierMEDEIROS, João Marcos. Avaliação da vibração em mãos e braços no corte de materiais de construção com ferramentas elétricas. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2022.
dc.description.abstractIn civil construction, in many activities, such as cutting, drilling, sanding, grinding, workers exposed to hand and arm vibration (VMB), which, with cross-sectional studies, cause damage to the human body. Therefore, the value of 5.0 m/s² is established as a tolerance limit, and the Labor Legislation establishes periodic monitoring and control of exposure. However, due to the peculiarities of civil construction, in most of the observed construction sites, vibration tests are not carried out. For which the values of works the worker is exposed to VMB, an evaluation was experimented during the construction materials used in works in Brazil. In groups SC-I, SM-I and ES-I, the accelerometer was fixed to the main wrist and in groups SC-II and ES-II it was fixed to the auxiliary wrist. Axes of the weighted collection (AP) in the axes of the weighted collection in the axes and “z” and the total – At. The results showed that, when using as circular saws from manufacturer “A”, the values of At were 15% above the action limit and, using as tools from manufacturer “B”, they were 30% below the limit. of action. Marble saws above from manufacturer “A” and Use from manufacturer “B”, total manufacturer A) values were 40% of the action limit. Gone were the circular saws from the manufacturer “A the total use values of the manufacturer At above 286% of the tolerance limit using as tools from the manufacturer “B”, were 232% above the tolerance limit; and using manufacturer “C” tools, they were 216% above the tolerance limit. Therefore, when using as circular beings, the white finger syndrome (SVMB) appears in 10% of exposed animals, around 12 years old. With the use of marble saws, the manifestation appears around 8 years. With the use of grinders without vibration reducers, the manifestation was very fast of 3 years, using grinders with vibration reducers for SVMB of 4 years. It is concluded that the decorated tools, as they are used for metals, are more harmful to the health of the worker, even the vibration reducers, requiring the adoption of measures such as the control of correction of time of use and the development of studies in this tool to adapt them to acceptable vibration levels.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil
dc.subjectVibração - Efeito fisiológico
dc.subjectFerramentas elétricas
dc.subjectMateriais de construção
dc.subjectConstrução civil - Vibração
dc.subjectVibration - Physiological effect
dc.subjectPower tools
dc.subjectBuilding materials
dc.subjectBuilding - Vibration
dc.titleAvaliação da vibração em mãos e braços no corte de materiais de construção com ferramentas elétricas

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