dc.contributorQueluz, Marilda Lopes Pinheiro
dc.creatorCaccere, João Paulo Amaral
dc.creatorFabris, Yasmin
dc.identifierCACCERE, João Paulo Amaral; FABRIS, Yasmin. Design vernacular: experiências urbanas e modos de interação entre pessoas e artefatos. 2013. 92 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThis study makes a reflection about vernacular design, avoiding the dichotomy thought that sees the design like a polarized activity, which segregates what is produced inside and outside of the academy. It is believed that, on the urban context, where the aesthetics are introduced, the exchange of influences happens in a constant way, in a dynamic relation. Despite the significant differences between the designs, it’s rejected the establishment of rigid limits that petrifies these products into a stereotype. The artifact developed by actors that do not fall into any formal concepts of academic design it’s known as vernacular design – the comprehension of those solutions can represent alternative ways of thinking about socioeconomic, cultural and environmental issues. Understand the intrinsic cultural relations on the development of artifacts is essential to comprehend the design’s role and the other agents involved on communication. This article analyses the vernacular aesthetics under the optics of the material culture, to reach a better understanding of the society by analyzing these products. The aim is the understanding of these pieces inside of an urban context and the relations with people’s routines. This study will be analyzing some artifacts found on Curitiba city, on Cajuru neighborhood; the process of collecting data of this production was made by a photographic record during the incursions on the area, and will then be made the analysis, considering the cultural, symbolic and practical references, the use of plastic, verbal and iconic elements, the change of functions, the reusability and material appropriation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Desenho Industrial
dc.subjectCultura material
dc.subjectEspaços públicos - Análise
dc.subjectPlanejamento urbano - Aspectos sociais
dc.subjectMaterial culture
dc.subjectPublic spaces - Analysis
dc.subjectCity planning - Social aspects
dc.titleDesign vernacular: experiências urbanas e modos de interação entre pessoas e artefatos

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