dc.contributorNascimento, Eduardo Mauro do
dc.contributorPolli, Milton Luiz
dc.contributorNascimento, Eduardo Mauro do
dc.contributorPolli, Milton Luiz
dc.contributorSchuitek, Aloísio José
dc.contributorMaranho, Ossimar
dc.creatorScarpim, Antonio Henrique Tanaka
dc.creatorMocelin Filho, Jarbas
dc.identifierSCARPIM, Antonio Henrique Tanaka; MOCELIN FILHO, Jarbas. Processamento e análise do potencial da resistência ao desgaste de machos de aço rápido AISI M2 sob tratamentos termoreativos. 2016. 69 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis study is focused on analysis of the thermoreactive deposition and diffusion process for surface hardening and treatment of boriding with their respective effects on the wear in high speed steel taps after suffering threading process. The experiment began with the treatments, followed by thermal quenching, tempering with further characterization and analysis of the tools used. The effects of the hardening process in the main properties of AISI M2, as well as the potential use of samples submitted to treatments. It conducted the mechanical characterization of layers formed by microscopic analysis (optical and electronic) it was possible to obtain the average thickness of the coating layer boriding, 23 µm, and the TRD, 25 µm. For microhardness of cross-sections of the hardened layer of 1574 HV were obtained for values boriding process and 1733 HV to the TRD. Finally, the potential use of taps was analyzed as threading tool by testing with an AISI 1020 material with pre-drilled holes. The results showed that both boronizing and TRD treatments were effective in obtaining the hardened layer. However, testing of obtained hardened taps proved less tool life than taps that were not treated. It is assumed that this reduced life may be attributed to the high boriding potential provided to the samples.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherGraduação em Engenharia Mecânica
dc.subjectAço - Tratamento térmico
dc.subjectRoscas (Mecânica)
dc.subjectDesgaste mecânico
dc.subjectEngenharia mecânica
dc.subjectSteel - Heat treatment
dc.subjectMechanical wear
dc.subjectMechanical engineering
dc.titleProcessamento e análise do potencial da resistência ao desgaste de machos de aço rápido AISI M2 sob tratamentos termoreativos

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