dc.contributorFrança, Michelle Milanez
dc.contributorXavier, Bruno Toribio de Lima
dc.contributorFrança, Michelle Milanez
dc.contributorScalabrin, Ediane Cristina Daleffe
dc.contributorVielmo, Hernan
dc.creatorAlba, Ângela Pin
dc.identifierALBA, Ângela Pin. Caracterização mecânica do solo em loteamento de São José do Cedro – SC. 2017. 97 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2017.
dc.description.abstractPopulation growth and the development of cities influence the dynamics of the environment, and one of the means most affected by urban expansion is soil. The knowledge about the soil’s characteristics of a municipality allows the managers of the same to develop public policies for the occupation of the soil in an orderly way and coherent with the capacity of the same one. For this reason, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the mechanical characteristics of the soil in the Alta Colina Subdivision, in the municipality of São José do Cedro - SC. For this, analyzes of resistance, texture, porosity, density, infiltration, mean terrain slope and unified soil classification were performed. Soil Density and Particle Density values were found between 1.02 and 1.14 and 2.95 and 3.24, respectively. The liquidity limits ranged from 27.49 to 31.57% and those of plasticity between 20.63 and 27.76%, determining the soils as poorly plastic. The rate of basic infiltration was between very high and high. Soils were classified, according to Unified Classification, as Poorly Graded Sand and Silty Sand. The area of the plot has risks due to the presence of Litholic Neosols, very unstable soils, which, when associated with moderate to high slopes, presents chances of mass movements.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherFrancisco Beltrao
dc.publisherEngenharia Ambiental
dc.subjectSolos - Classificação
dc.subjectTaludes (Mecânica do solo) - Estabilidade
dc.subjectSolo urbano - Uso
dc.subjectSoils - Classification
dc.subjectSlopes (Soil mechanics) - Stability
dc.subjectLand use, Urban
dc.titleCaracterização mecânica do solo em loteamento de São José do Cedro – SC

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