dc.contributorSipoli, Caroline Casagrande
dc.contributorDefendi, Rafael Oliveira
dc.contributorMeneses, Maraísa Lopes de
dc.contributorMaceno, Daiele Munique de Souza Costa dos Santos
dc.contributorSipoli, Caroline Casagrande
dc.creatorGaze, André Akio
dc.creatorRodrigues, João Antonio da Silva
dc.creatorOura, Kaiky Yudi
dc.creatorHiguti, Vinicius
dc.creatorPereira, Yasna de Araujo
dc.identifierGAZE, André Akio et al. Caupé: indústria de cosméticos veganos. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Química) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Apucarana, 2022.
dc.description.abstractThe use of cosmetics dates back thousands of years, from ancient Egypt to the present day, always evolving with scientific and technological advances. Currently, the cosmetics industry offers a range of varieties and features that satisfy the most diverse audiences. Among them is the branch of natural cosmetics, which aims to align well­being with less aggression to nature. This sector is constantly growing, since themes such as wellness, healthy habits, animal rights, ecology, and green chemistry, among others, are increasingly widespread ideals in society. Caupé will follow this ideology, and as proof of its ecological commitment, its products will present the Certified Vegan Logo on their packaging. Caupé will be a medium size company, located in São João da Boa Vista (SP), which in turn is located near large potential sales points.Another positive point for the location is the city's support to the new companies, giving land and support during the first months. The company will be focused on the production of shampoos, conditioners and moisturizing masks in bars, as well as hydrolat and rosewood essential oil. In parallel, murumuru, a plant found mostly in the Brazilian Amazon, will be used to produce murumuru butter, which will be the basis of all bar products manufactured by Caupé. The monthly production will be of 120 thousand unities equally divided between shampoos, conditioners and hydration masks, as well as 4,000 unities of 5mL of rosewood essential oil, 73,469 unities of hydrolat in 200mL packaging, and, finally, 17,142 unities of hydrolat in 2L packaging.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEngenharia Química
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
dc.subjectCosméticos - Indústria
dc.subjectProdutos naturais
dc.subjectEssências e óleos essenciais - Indústria
dc.subjectCosmetics industry
dc.subjectNatural products
dc.subjectEssences and essential oils industry
dc.titleCaupé: indústria de cosméticos veganos

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