dc.contributorSantos, Márcia Andréa dos
dc.contributorSantos, Márcia Andréa dos
dc.contributorDenardi, Didiê Ana Ceni
dc.contributorSilva, Susiele Machry da
dc.creatorChaves, Daniele Aparecida Bueno de Lima de
dc.identifierCHAVES, Daniele Aparecida Bueno de Lima de. A constituição da identidade cultural do sudoeste paranaense por meio do gênero oral causo. 2016. 65 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThe present study has as a research line Culture and Language, and its main objective is to investigate how oral anecdotes contribute tostreng thening the linguistic and cultural identity of southwest Paraná. To this end, firstly we present some theoretical concepts about culture, identity and language, as well as, we present the importance of the study of discursive genres, especially those related to oral interaction, because it is through these ones that we started interacting with the environment around us. Similarly, it is relevant to know what is the space occupied by the oral genre anecdote in the southwest region, since, through the recording and analysis of some anecdotes, reported by people from the region, we will show how this practice of language, contributes to the constitution of a linguistic and cultural identity. It should be shown that the genre anecdote, usually establishes a dialogue between the speaker and listeners, having thus, own characteristics which are contemplated here. We can say that anecdotes are a way of seeing the world, whose theme is everyday experiences and fantastic facts that stir the imagination of those who hear them. Therefore, keeping the practice of reporting anecdotes in the region alive means to propagate the fears, anxieties and beliefs, which contributed to the Southwest people’s emergence. Furthermore, anecdote reports make it possible to know and analyze the language characteristics of those who practice them, such as its linguistic marks, intonations, subjectivism and regionalisms, as well as, enables us to know the imaginary people universe, their fears and beliefs which contribute to the constitution of a particular cultural identity.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Letras
dc.publisherLicenciatura em Letras
dc.subjectCultura popular
dc.subjectLinguagem e cultura
dc.subjectAnálise do discurso
dc.subjectPopular culture
dc.subjectLanguage and culture
dc.subjectDiscourse analysis
dc.titleA constituição da identidade cultural do sudoeste paranaense por meio do gênero oral causo

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