dc.contributorZago, Leandro
dc.contributorZago, Leandro
dc.contributorRuffini, Mirian
dc.contributorStankiewicz, Mariese Ribas
dc.creatorMartins, Luana Kramin
dc.identifierMARTINS, Luana Kramin. Language as a form of repression in 1984 in contrast with language as a form of revolution in A clockwork orange. 2016. 36 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2016.
dc.description.abstractLanguage can be considered one of the most important ways of communication. Through language it is possible not only to transmit information, but also intention and emotion. People who are aware of those possibilities can perceive a lot more from a conversation than those who cannot see the peculiarities on the speech. Therefore, this thesis analyzes two novels, 1984 (George Orwell) and A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess) mainly because of their specific language, Newspeak and Nadsat, respectively. By analyzing those novels it is possible to make a comparison between languages, speeches, language reduction, among other peculiarities, with the use of language in the current society, not only about slangs and reductions, but above all, about manipulation and the use guided by intention. Far more than just that, by basing reality on the books it is possible to analyze society in other levels as well, such as violence and social identity. Therefore this thesis is an attempt to make people aware of the importance of being conscious about speeches, about the speaker’s intention, and the (potential) power of language.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Letras
dc.publisherLicenciatura em Letras
dc.subjectLinguagem e línguas
dc.subjectIdentidade social na literatura
dc.subjectLiteratura comparada
dc.subjectLanguage and languages
dc.subjectGroup identity in literature
dc.subjectLiterature, Comparative
dc.titleLanguage as a form of repression in 1984 in contrast with language as a form of revolution in A clockwork orange

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