dc.contributorGonçalves, José Antonio
dc.contributorGonçalves, José Antonio
dc.contributorSilva, Adriane Carla Anastácio da
dc.contributorDuarte, Alessandro Silveira
dc.creatorAguiar, Thiago Ferreira de
dc.identifierAGUIAR, Thiago Ferreira de. SGHV: sistema de gerenciamento de hospitais veterinários. 2015. 83 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the development of a Web system for routine information management in veterinary hospitals, controlling information such as medical consultations, customer records, patients, staff and the services performed and also inventory control of materials and medicines , procedures performed, and finally, financial control. Given the large market oriented animals in the country and the lack of use of management software, more comprehensive systems and high availability, produced software searches the correct presentation of information, ergonomics and availability of access.. For the creation of this system was used Orientation paradigm Object, during lifting in and requirements analysis, design and modeling, as well as its implementation. We used the Java programming language, applied through the JSF Framework 2.2 together with component library PrimeFaces 4.0. It also employed the JPA API for persistence and the database management system PostgreSQL 9.1. During the development of the project there was the importance and difficulty of obtaining good planning to build software.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCornelio Procopio
dc.publisherTecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
dc.subjectGerenciamento de recursos de informação
dc.subjectHospitais veterinários
dc.subjectInformation resources management
dc.subjectVeterinary hospitals
dc.titleSGHV: sistema gerenciador de hospitais veterinários

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