dc.contributorMolina, Fabian Andres Lara
dc.contributorMolina, Fabian Andres Lara
dc.contributorKoroishi, Edson Hideki
dc.contributorCosta, Romeu Rony Cavalcante da
dc.contributorLopes Júnior, José Aparecido
dc.creatorSantos, Felipe Delapria Dias dos
dc.identifierSANTOS, Felipe Delapria Dias dos. Estudo teórico da dinâmica do mecanismo paralelo com juntas flexíveis. 2017. 52 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThe use of parallel mechanisms has grown greatly in recent years thanks to the development of robotics and men's interest in being replaced by robots in certain tasks. With this objective in mind, series kinematic mechanisms began to emerge, that is, with actuators and links, generating a single kinematic chain, this structure was intended to copy the movements of the human arm, and this type of technology is present in several sectors of the industry today. From there, the parallel mechanism emerged, which is the focus of this report. This type of structure can be defined as a closed chain mechanism in which a movable part is connected to a fixed part for independent kinematic chains. Kinematic chains are defined as set of bars connected by kinematic joints, whereas mechanism is understood as a set of rigid bodies interconnected to transmit forces and convert in movements. This work aims to discuss the performance design criteria for a parallel robot with flexible joints. Consequently, the dynamic and elastodynamic criteria will be analyzed in order to study their behavior as a function of the variables that the project presents, which are the lengths of the robot connections. The dynamic and elastodynamic design criteria will be evaluated numerically. In addition, the design space and the dynamic performance index for the design space will be analyzed through the use of tools such as Matlab and Simulink®.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCornelio Procopio
dc.publisherEngenharia Mecânica
dc.subjectCinemática das máquinas
dc.subjectMovimentos mecânicos
dc.subjectMachinery, Kinematics of
dc.subjectMechanical movements
dc.titleEstudo teórico da dinâmica do mecanismo paralelo com juntas flexíveis

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