Brasil | bachelorThesis
dc.contributorRuffini, Mirian
dc.contributorRuffini, Mirian
dc.contributorLima, Marcos Hidemi de
dc.contributorFioruci, Wellington Ricardo
dc.creatorTrentin, Ludiani Retka
dc.identifierTRENTIN, Ludiani Retka. A representação de Lilith na personagem mulher no filme Anticristo de Lars Von Trier. 2015. 72 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper is to establish a link between the woman‘s personality, character of the movie Antichrist (2009), by Lars Von Trier, and Lilith‘s personality, believed by the Judaic mythology to be the first Adam‘s wife, before Eva. In order to accomplish that, an analysis was carried out between the myth in general and all its recreations throughout the time, its language adaptions to new media and to new audiences, in order to articulate it to new realities, and mainly the religious myths and their modifications to the holy books. From this standpoint, Lilith‘s myth adaption to the cinema was investigated, and a mapping of both personalities, the woman‘s and Lilith‘s, took place in order to identify them in both characters‘ behaviour. For this purpose, some bibliographical research studies were utilized, as well as the film analysis, resorting to theoretical contributions from writers such as Stam (2006), Campbell (1990) and Eliade (1992) and some religious literature and myths form Judaism and Catholicism. It was noticed that the movie director, by means of metaphorical elements, retell the World‘s Creation history from a different viewpoint, by both focusing on human evil and using a worldly known character as well as human psychology for this objective.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Letras
dc.publisherLicenciatura em Letras
dc.subjectLilith (Mitologia semítica)
dc.subjectPersonagens e características
dc.subjectLiteratura comparada
dc.subjectCinema e literatura
dc.subjectLilith (Semitic mythology)
dc.subjectCharacters and characteristics
dc.subjectLiterature, Comparative
dc.subjectMotion-pictures and literature
dc.titleA representação de Lilith na personagem mulher no filme Anticristo de Lars Von Trier

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