dc.contributorAzevedo, Júlio César Rodrigues de
dc.creatorIde, Alessandra Honjo
dc.creatorArtigas, Andressa Vianna
dc.identifierIDE, Alessandra Honjo; ARTIGAS, Andressa Vianna. Utilização da cafeína como traçador de atividade antrópica na Bacia do Alto Iguacú. 2011. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Processos Ambientais) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011.
dc.description.abstractThe quality of water resources, which are of great importance for public supply, is being directly affected by population growth. In view of the anthropogenic influences, this study aims to assess the concentrations of caffeine and compare them with physical and chemical parameters and biological, thus verifying the possibility to be more an indicator of anthropogenic activity. For this study four samples were taken bimonthly from February to December 2010 at 12 points in the Upper Iguaçu, in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. Were analyzed in the field at the time of collection the pH, conductivity, water temperatures and air, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation and laboratory analysis was performed of nitrite, nitrate, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, organic nitrogen, dissolved phosphorus, orthophosphate , total phosphorus, alkalinity, BOD, COD, UV-VIS, fluorescence, dissolved organic carbon and caffeine. The results obtained showed that caffeine acts as an indicator of wastewater, especially when the entry is new, and in areas with greater population density.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Química e Biologia
dc.subjectÁgua - Qualidade
dc.subjectWater quality
dc.titleUtilização da cafeína como traçador de atividade antrópica na Bacia do Alto Iguacú

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